Cultivation of SOLANUM

To grow plants from seed sow in mid-winter at 68-78° F (20 -25° C) and provide an adequate temperature of 60-70°F (15-21°C) while the young seedlings are developing.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in spring, taking stem cuttings about 2- 3 in ( 5 - 7 . 5 cm) long and, after stripping off all but the top three or four leaves, insert the stem of the cutting about in (13 mm) deep in the cutting compost. It is always beneficial to dip the cuttings in a hormone rooting compound as this speeds up the formation of the roots.

When the young plants are growing in the spring they should be kept bushy by pinching out the growing tips from time to time. Whether growing seedlings or cuttings the first potting will be into 3 or ЗУг-in (7.5 or 9-cm) pots followed by a final potting in 4 or 5'/2-in (10 or 14-cm) pots, in both instances using compost E6 or JI potting compost No.2.